Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 50

Finding a Gene on the Chromosome Map
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use pedigree and jigsaw puzzles to explore how scientists use genetic information from a family to identify a gene associated with a genetic disorder.

An Inventory of My Traits
Source Institutions
In this genetics meets math activity, learners take inventories of their own easily-observable genetic traits and compare those inventories with other learners in groups.

Is That DNA in My Food?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners extract DNA from wheat germ. Use this activity to introduce learners to DNA, biotechnology and genetic engineering.

Gene Switches
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how genetic switches function and the role of genetic switches in the process of evolution.

Homologous Shoes?
Source Institutions
This "concept demonstration" provides learners with a concrete example (a pair of shoes in a classroom "cell") of what homology means.

Family Traits and Traditions
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners play a matching game with their families to discover common inherited traits and traditions. Learners distinguish between inherited traits and learned traditions.

How to Extract DNA From Anything Living
Source Institutions
In this genetics activity, learners discover how to extract DNA from green split peas.

Traits Bingo
Source Institutions
In this game, learners cross off or color bingo squares in response to questions about their traits.

What's the Risk?
Source Institutions
To discover the risk and protective factors involved in substance addiction, learners play a game of chance to determine whether a fictitious child is likely or unlikely to abuse drugs.

Plant Tissue Culture: Classroom Activities in Plant Biotechnology
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners use the tissue culture process to rapidly produce clones (genetic copies) of a particular plant (cauliflower, rose cuttings, African violet le

Risk Continuum
Source Institutions
This activity is a whole-group kinesthetic demonstration that shows learners what it means to be in a "risk group" for developing heart disease based on family history and genetics.

This Bitter Be Good
Source Institutions
In this health and genetics activity, learners determine whether tasting the bitter compound PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) influences which vegetables a person likes.

A Simply Fruity DNA Extraction
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners extract DNA from a strawberry and discover that DNA is in the food they eat.

Reading DNA
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use edible models of the DNA molecule to transcribe an mRNA sequence, and then translate it into a protein.

The Beaks of the Finches
Source Institutions
In this simulation, learners become birds different beak types. Learners use various tools to represent beaks to pick up seeds and place them in a petri dish.

Evolutionstechnik or Selection and Variation in the Egyptian Origami Bird (Avis papyrus)
Source Institutions
In order to examine the random nature of mutations and natural selection, learners "breed" clutches of Egyptian Origami Birds (Avis papyrus) using random number generators (dice and coins) to mutate s

A Recipe for Traits
Source Institutions
In this genetics activity, learners create and decode a “DNA recipe” for a dog by randomly selecting strips of paper that represent DNA.

Close, Closer, Closest
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners perform an experiment that models a chromatography-like process called electrophoresis, a process used to analyze DNA.

DNA Jewelry Models
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners construct a model of DNA to better understand the structure of DNA and protein synthesis.

A Tree of Genetic Traits
Source Institutions
Learners mark their traits for tongue rolling, PTC tasting (a harmless, bitter chemical), and earlobe attachment on tree leaf cut-outs.