Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 128

Number Sense and Computation: Money Counts
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners count and compare amounts of money less than or equal to one dollar.

Soap Bubble Shapes
Source Institutions
Learners explore three-dimensional geometric frames including cubes and tetrahedrons, as they create bubble wands with pipe cleaners and drinking straws.

Where Will It Go?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners predict where a ball will go after it bounces off another object. Learners discover that the motion of objects is predictable based on laws of motion.

Join the Dinosaur Age
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners rotate through several learning and play stations to explore dinosaurs and paleontologists.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that some things only stand up while they are spinning.

Ramps 1: Let it Roll!
Source Institutions
In this activity about ramps, learners explore and measure the rate at which spherical objects roll down a ramp.

CD Spinner
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a simple “top” from a CD, marble and bottle cap, and use it as a spinning platform for a variety of illusion-generating patterns.

Building Tetrahedral Kites
Source Institutions
Working in teams of four, learners build tetrahedral kites following specific instructions and using specific materials.

Best Bubbles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners experiment with creating various types of bubble solutions and testing which ingredients form longer-lasting bubbles.

Digit's Cyber-Dough
Source Institutions
In this fun hands-on activity, learners whip up a batch of cyber-dough (play dough) using math for measurements.

Two Washers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a mind and math puzzle that requires a three-dimensional solution.

Don't Crack Humpty
Source Institutions
Groups of learners are provided with a generic car base and an egg. Their mission: design a device/enclosure to protect the egg on or in the car as it rolls down a ramp with increasing slopes.

Take It From The Top: How Does This Stack Up?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore center of gravity, or balance point, of stacked blocks.

Source Institutions
In this math activity (Page 12 of the Play Ball! PDF), learners play a game of "soccer" and analyze the results of the game.

Ball Bounce Experiment
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the properties of different types of balls.

The Length of My Foot
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners explore the concept of using units to measure length. Learners first read "How Big is a Foot" by Rolf Myller and learn about units.

Launch It
Add to list DetailsIn this design challenge activity, learners use a balloon and other simple materials to design an air-powered rocket that can hit a distant target.

Source Institutions
In this math activity (Page 14 of the Play Ball! PDF), learners play a game of "basketball" and analyze the results of the game.

Super Spinner
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Pet Handedness), learners will construct a simple spinning top out of a circle of construction paper, a film canister lid, and a bamboo skewer.

Sled Kite
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a sled kite that models a type of airfoil called a parawing.