Search Results
Showing results 41 to 60 of 60

Two Sets!
Source Institutions
In this card game, learners make two sets of three cards that are alike. Learners must justify to the rest of the players why the three cards belong in each set.
Numbered Heads
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners play a game and use a variety of strategies to solve a hidden number problem (or missing factor). Learners practice their number and operations skills.

Tangram Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use tangrams ( 7-piece puzzle tiles) to assemble a variety of shapes. Tangrams are ideal for improving spatial reasoning and geometry properties.

Copy Cats
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners use what they know about shapes to copy a friend's hidden picture. Learners create a design out of pattern blocks and then hide their picture behind a screen.

Toothpick Patterns
Source Institutions
In this hands-on activity, learners use toothpicks to build different triangles and squares and then use the toothpicks to build and solve some tricky shape puzzles.
Magic Turtle Squares
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners create a magic turtle where all the rows, columns and diagonals add up to fifteen.
Movin' and Groovin'
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners play a game and identify patterns with fun moves and sounds. Discover how dancing and signing involve patterns.
Something is Different about You
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use various dress-up or costume pieces to play a game of change.

In the Middle
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners use problem solving skills to find a middle seat for Mary at the movies. Learners practice dividing numbers and identifying the middle of a quantity.

Average Names
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners compare the number of letters in the names of the people in their families or group of friends.
Mix & Match Estimation
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use their estimation skills to match the unmarked containers to their amounts.
Alien Encounter
Source Institutions
Use multiplication to help the aliens find out how much fuel they need to get their spacecrafts home.

Egyptian Measuring
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners compare the ancient Egyptian system of measurement, which was based on body lengths, to the customary and metric systems used today.

Alien Encounter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use multiplication skills to get groups of aliens safely back to their planet.
Pattern Families
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners sort patterns into similar "families" or groups that have the same pattern, but different symbols.

Telephone Talk
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners find patterns in telephone numbers.
Tip Topper
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners role-play as wait staff at the Kidtropolis Diner. It's the end of the night and it's time for the staff to collect their tips.

Achi: A Strange Game of Tic Tac Toe
Source Institutions
In this game, learners strategize to be the first player to make three in a row.

Subtracta's Dog
Source Institutions
In this math activity related to volume, learners use problem solving skills to calculate and build a model house for Minus the dog.

100 Puzzles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners find as many combinations of a hundred as they can using various puzzle pieces from a hundred square grid paper.